vNext name bind up with 3 K components.
So we will have a quick overview about K-world components
ASP.NET vNext comes with a new runtime environment called KRE. Besides KRE that runs ASP.NET vNext applications there are also tools for managing KRE versions and NuGet packages that application uses.
K has three components:
This is a Powershell script used to get the runtime and manage multiple versions of it being on the machine at the same time.
KRE – K Runtime Environment is the code required to bootstrap and run an ASP.NET vNext application. This includes things like the compilation system, SDK tools, and the native CLR hosts.
KVM – K Version Manager is for updating and installing different versions of KRE. KVM is also used to set default KRE version.
KPM – K Package Manager manages packages needed by applications to run. Packages in this context are NuGet package
Install KVM for the first time you have to do the following steps:
- Open a command prompt with Run as administrator.
- Run the following command:
- @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
- The script installs KVM for the current user.
- Exit the command prompt window and start another as an administrator (you need to start a new command prompt to get the updated path environment).
- Upgrade KVM with the following command:
- KVM upgrade
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